Where Are We Going?

We want to take a moment to provide some hope and optimism for you guys today.

Things are uncertain and looking ahead can be hard during these times. So, we want to think about our vision, a little bit. We hope doing this inspires you to continue to look ahead, with hope and optimism, with whatever it is you are working towards! 

COVID-19 will not change the nature of God, He has, He is, and He always will provide for His people. Rest in this. 

First, there is one ultimate point of hope, one ultimate place of rest, and one place of absolute certainty. That is, faith in Jesus Christ, the very real reality of His bodily death, His defeat of sin and death, and His resurrection, so that those who believe in Him will have eternal life in and with God. It is the understanding that God is in control, there is nothing taking place outside His reign, His knowledge, and His hands. When turmoil strikes, the one thing that remains, unchanged and unfazed, is God. If you are struggling with what is happening in the world today, you are not alone. Almost everything we know has changed to some degree. It is ok if you are struggling. But, take time to think back on the ways God has continually revealed His providence and provision in your life, and move forward being certain that He will continue to remain the same. COVID-19 will not change the nature of God, He has, He is, and He always will provide for His people. Rest in this. 

Onto a much, much, lesser subject, AnthroBranding. Like I said above, we wanted to bring you into our heads, and tell you exactly what we hope and pray Anthro will become. Our day-to-day goal is: to help churches glorify God more through design, specifically web and logo design. That is our goal every time we work with a church. When we are done, that church not only has something the better glorifies God, but has the capabilities to continue doing so moving forward. But, this is not a post on the day-to-day, this is a post looking into the future. 

Our long term vision is this: We want to see Anthro providing steady jobs for as many seminary students as possible, at as many institutions as possible. 

If you’ve grown up in the church, or been around it long enough, you’ve without a doubt heard about the financial difficulties that come with being a seminary student. Those stories, are 95% of the time completely true and an accurate portrayal of this season of life. We’re there right now, and it’s true, it is a financial strain. But, in God’s providence, there are numerous benefits to this, much of which focuses us on our reliance on God, and trusting in His provision. For someone who is pursuing a lifetime in ministry, learning to trust God’s provision in everything, probably is the most important lesson one can learn. While, not much can change this reality, we want to be able to provide students in this time, with a stable job and a great supporting system, so that they can: care for their families, serve the church, and learn, to the best of their abilities. 

Practically, what does this look like:

We’d love to be able to offer a position for all the typical jobs that would be associated with businesses, just staffed by the future leaders of your churches. We’d love to be able to have employees located throughout the country at various institutions, like, Midwestern (our personal favorite 🙂), Southern, TEDS, Western, DTS, and where ever your favorite seminary may be. Wives and husbands working to help churches glorify God more through design, while they prepare for a lifetime of service within the local church. 

If you want to help us reach this goal . . .

There are two really easy things to do! Like our page on Facebook and Interact with our content. The more people that do this, the better the chances we have of getting our name out there, pushing us closer to this goal! If you’re really on board with this vision, share and talk about us, this would go a long way in helping us achieve what we are working for! Who knows, maybe your next pastor will have been an AnthroBranding Employee, and wouldn’t that be great?!

John MorrisonComment